Why seek spiritual companionship?

Walk with God Through the Valleys

We benefit from wise, experienced spiritual companionship in many ways. Sometimes anxiety, anger or fear may make it hard to sense God’s presence and to love others well. A broken relationship or the death of a loved one can cause us to wonder if God hears our prayers or if God even exists. Perhaps we are “burned out” and need encouragement. Seeking spiritual companionship releases us from the loneliness and frustration that can mark these times. We discover that we are able to persevere. God brings us hope and we experience joy.

Grow Your Life with God

Even when there are no crises in life, men and women often seek a spiritual companion to help them continue to grow in their life with God. Reflecting further on meaningful times of prayer or study in Scripture enriches our faith. Many leaders (whether lay or ordained) spend significant periods of time encouraging others; a spiritual companion can serve to offer them encouragement as well. Most Christians desire to know God even more intimately; to love God even more passionately; and to follow Christ even more closely. Spiritual companionship serves to point us to God, the One who fulfills these beautiful desires.

Spiritual companionship is intentionally contemplative in style and biblical in grounding.

What happens in spiritual companionship?

Spiritual companionship meetings usually occur once a month, for an hour each time. Conversations may take shape around relationships, circumstances at work, health, prayer, or discerning vocation. There may be talk of joys or sorrows, exciting possibilities or frustrations– we seek to notice God’s presence, work, and invitations in the midst of all of our experiences. Spiritual Companionship can also be offered in groups of 4 to 6 people, known as group spiritual companionship. This way of attentive listening bears beautiful fruit among friends and small groups.

A Note On Confidentiality

Confidentiality is essential for those who seek Spiritual Direction. As a Spiritual Director, I am careful to keep all that is shared highly confidential at all times*. Directees are free to share as they desire.

*I will maintain confidentiality except for where I may be required by law to report the following situations to the authorities, including Child Protection and Law Enforcement, based on information provided by the client or collateral sources: suspected past or present abuse or neglect of children, adults, and elders or if there is reason to suspect the person is seriously in danger of harming him/herself or has threatened to harm another person.